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Wellist News, Product Reviews & Exclusiv





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Wellist News, Product Reviews & Exclusive Offers(圖1)-速報App

Wellist is a newsletter and mobile app featuring hand picked wellness articles, product reviews and healthy recipes. Each day you will get 3-5 amazing articles covering everyday wellness topics including life tips, inspiring stories, helpful anecdotes, amazing product reviews and exclusive offers direct to their inbox.


Good habits, healthy eating, sleep soundly. Our network of expert content creators can help you feel your best.


Action is the goal, inspiration is the fuel. Get the most out of work and home life with help from peers and professionals alike.

++ MIND & BODY ++

Meditate like a boss, get ripped or find your zen. Trust teachers that are living the dream of a fulfilled life, everyday.


Find your motivation and build self confidence. Content, courses and stories to help you get through the daily grind.

Wellist News, Product Reviews & Exclusive Offers(圖2)-速報App


Get help from specialists in addiction to weight loss and replace those destructive habits with health ones. We're here to help you tackle the challenges that we all face.


We're all on a journey and we're all spiritual beings. Learn from people that live to help and love to give.

WELLIST is the ultra simply way to add mindfulness, relaxation, life success and serenity to your daily grind.

WELLIST is free for life, just subscribe to our newsletter to unlock the app and weekly email

WELLIST is easy and you’ll want to check in every morning to see what wellness articles we’ve picked for you each day

Already got too many wellness, mindfulness and meditation apps? Are you getting happiness overload? Us too. We believe less is more. Download the Wellist app and simplify your life -- you'll get only 3-5 things per day. That's it.


Wellist News, Product Reviews & Exclusive Offers(圖3)-速報App

You get one amazing article from experts, gurus and professionals covering topics that will make an immediate impact on your life. From productivity to stress relief, inspiration and confidence, happiness and meditation, we’ve curated the best articles so you don’t have to search. If all you do is read these few each day, you’ll be set on a path to a better, happier and more fulfilled life.


You get one super yummy, super healthy recipe that you can make with stuff you probably already have in your fridge. Why download one of those recipe apps with 1 million recipes, who’s ever going to eat that much. All you need is one or two per day, as long as they are awesome and easy recipes, you’re set. That’s what we do. We hunt and find great recipes that are healthy, affordable, and easy to make and bring those to you directly.


You get one unique, clever and useful product that won't break your bank, but will make you feel great. There are so many great products out there for mindfulness, relaxation, stress relief, energy building, happiness and everything in-between. But who has time to try them all, that’s where we come in. We do the hard work to find great wellness products and services that you’ll love, so you don’t have to.


You get one special offer for a program or service that is easy, affordable and effective. Because we’re curating the best of the best, sometimes we get partners to foot the bill and give you amazing offers for wellness products and services and we bring those direct to you.


Join the largest mobile and online community of wellness seekers. No fees. No gimmicks. Just straight and simple articles, healthy recipes, product reviews and exclusive offers.

Wellist News, Product Reviews & Exclusive Offers(圖4)-速報App


It’s an app, that you open, and you see 3-5 headlines for articles about everyday wellness topics. You click on the ones you are interested in and read the article, recipe or product review. Save the best to your favorites and share with friends. That’s really it. Seriously, it couldn’t be more simple.

Wellist News, Product Reviews & Exclusive Offers(圖5)-速報App